YL caster team - Heart to heart
Aug 01 , 2017
YL caster team - Heart to heart Yl caster team ,who provide the Caster Wheelsfor the people that is the traders,the dealers and the agents for castors and wheels.and also the factory which required th...
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Caster wheels step into our life
Aug 09 , 2017
Caster wheels step into our life About casters Sometimes , the most simple inventions are significant . Even though we have no idea about who is the one invent caster wheel , however , the record of c...
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WBD Shock Absorbing Casters
Oct 29 , 2020
WBD Shock Absorbing Casters 1. Application of shock absorbing caster: The shock absorbing caster is mainly used in the automotive industry, because of its characteristic of shock absorption performanc...
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Low temperature affects casters
Dec 16 , 2019
Low temperature affects casters-YLcaster Now that the northern hemisphere has entered winter, temperatures have generally fallen. Due to the low temperature, many metal products are easily brittle and...
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Welcome to join YLcaster
Oct 29 , 2020
Welcome to join YLcaster A new heavyweight partner recently joined our YLcaster family-a 160-ton hydraulic press. To welcome its arrival, we launched a mobile crane. With the dusk and drizzle operatin...
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Polyurethane vs Phenolic wheels
Oct 29 , 2020
In daily life, we will be difficult to choose the material of the caster. Some people will oscillate between PU(short for Polyurethane) and phenolic. Now, let's talk about how to choose these two mate...
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What size casters for workbench
Oct 29 , 2020
What size casters for workbench What size casters are most suitable for the workbench? In the case of the same workbench, when the total weight of the tool plus other tools remains the same, the large...
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How to install threaded stem casters
Aug 05 , 2020
Threaded stem casters, as the name implies, are casters with threaded stem. The installation method is to connect the screw to the required object by rotating the screw to fix it to the object. Due to...
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How to install casters with stem
Oct 29 , 2020
How to install casters with stem First of all, we need to understand what is a stem caster wheel. The stem is one of the more common ways to install casters. Usually the installed object and the caste...
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Our super heavy duty caster wheels
Oct 29 , 2020
Our super heavy duty caster wheels For super heavy caster wheels, each has its own criteria for the definition of this name, mainly based on the load capacity. Different countries and regions have dif...
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What is TPR material
Oct 29 , 2020
What is TPR material TPR material, also called thermoplastic rubber, is a material that has both plastic and rubber characteristics. The performance of TPR is similar to that of vulcanized rubber, but...
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Online trade show
Oct 29 , 2020
Online trade show 2020 is our most unforgettable year, with all kinds of difficulties and difficulties coming one after another. However, we all passed one by one and became victors. We are all indomi...
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