YL caster team - Heart to heart
Aug 01 , 2017
YL caster team - Heart to heart
Yl caster team ,who provide the Caster Wheelsfor the people that is the traders,the dealers and the agents for castors and wheels.and also the factory which required the heavy duty casters , industry casters, furniture casters and the hospital medical casters ,is a best team.
We work hard together to become a professional casters expert,to provide customers with the most suitable products ,to be a master of caster .
The morning meeting encourage everyone to welcome the brand new day !
We would share the worth things and analysis of cases which anyone of us can not make a deal by himself .
The heart of our company cultural is FAMILIES CULTURAL .
We build the cultural wall together .
Every Wednesday is the day of team building .we have may activities .
Such as Reading together
Study together
Running together
Singing Together
An so on ...
Motivation is not motivate individuals, motivation is to motivate a team. As long as we can dream, we can do it. Heart to heart, we are Guangzhou YL Caster Industry Co., Ltd.